Sunday, May 30, 2010
homemade SIP + Earthbox!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Madison Street Garden

So we are now partnered with New York Restoration Project at the Madison Street Community Garden in Bushwick. It is on Madison Street between Bushwick Avenue and Broadway. And it is super cute!

Check out Madison Street Community Garden's webpage for more information and pictures!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bushwick Green Team in the News: Insideschools.org
“Learning Gardens” have sprouted in City Hall Park, at Randall’s Island, and Gracie Mansion.
But what if such programs aren’t so easy to launch? As schools struggle with budget cuts, administrators may see a vegetable garden as a luxury, particularly if such basics as text books and copy paper are hard to come by. Space constraints may also be hard to get around, or there simply might not be enough momentum
What the Green Team is doing is worth all the trouble! We don't do it as one, but as a team!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
NYC School Garden's Initiative
- Launching a new mini-grant program (grants of $500-$1,000) this fall for schools in need of funds to start a garden.
- Creating a website for schools, being designed by GrowNYC, to be launched by this fall with resources including:
- Additional technical assistance provided by GrowNYC and GreenThumb.
- Information on how to locate and connect to local community gardens.
- Complimentary programming provided by City and nonprofit partners.
- Information for teachers on how to incorporate garden instruction into existing curricula to maximize their academic impact.
- Expanding the “Garden to Café” pilot program from 25 schools to more than 50 schools in the 2010 school year. The program’s goal is to connect school gardening and lunch menus through seasonal harvest events and educational activities. PS 29 is one of the initial Garden to Café sites and the school uses what is grown in the garden in its salad bar and to create recipes for special events.
- Starting a teen intern program to take care of school gardens during the summer months. NYC Service will also help coordinate volunteers to care for the gardens.
Friday, May 7, 2010
dirt day!!
Staff and students from AEL and AUP gathered at the Secret Garden for some fun hauling dirt and wood chips in honor of dirt day!
Basilio family Shoveling and hauling wood chips.
Thank you to the Secret Garden and Kendall Morrison for letting us help out.
For more information on Kendall, the NY Times proclaimed mushroom man, check here.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ms. Gammon's class (from AEL) starts our garden!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How to: Sub-Irrigation Planters
4. Draw a straight line with a permanent marker around your bottle. You can use a 12oz. can as a guide for how high up the bottle your line should be, and it will keep your line straight!
5. Cut your bottle! But make sure your line remains straight!
6. Cut off the top of the bottle. This is to keep the roots from clogging the bottle and it gives an overall cleaner appearance to the bottle--less trash, more treasure!
7. Next, cut off one inch of plastic off of the bottom of the bottle. This is to make up for the inch of bottle you just cut off. Make sure you cut straight!
8. Get your soil and planting or seed and plant them in the top part of the bottle. The little holes are for the roots to poke out of so that they can soak up the delicious water you will be putting in the base of the bottle.
9. Put the top of your bottle inside the bottom of the bottle. Make sure you add water to the bottom part!
10. You're done! Enjoy your beautiful new sub-irrigation planter!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
BUSHWICK GREEN TEAM is collecting e-waste!!
Did you know that each year we throw away enough handheld devices to fill Yankee Stadium?
Sad, but true.

With this in mind, the Bushwick Green Team has decided to collect e-waste for the month of May.
Bring in your e-waste from home by June 1st and let's recycle it properly!!
What is e-waste? E-Waste is unwanted or broken electronics. This can include computers, monitors, TVs, cellphones, and any other electronic device that is no longer wanted or is broken.
Contact your school's Bushwick Green Team representative if you have further questions about this project or any other BGT projects.
BUSHWICK GREEN TEAM is selling t-shirts!!!
Hey friends!
- They are organic cotton - very happy for the environment!
- Each shirt is individually numbered - you will have a truly unique shirt!
- You can custom order your t-shirt to have any one of the 25+ designs
- WE ADD UP also sells tote bags, mugs, and bumper stickers
- If you order 2 or more t-shirts the shipping is free! Or you can choose to ship it carbon-free for a very small fee!
- A portion of each product is donated to an environmental organization
- A portion of each product also is donated to the Bushwick Green Team. The Bushwick Green Team is an organization made up of students and teachers from the three schools located at the former Bushwick High School Campus in Bushwick, Brooklyn-- Academy of Urban Planning, Academy for Environmental Leadership, and Bushwick School for Social Justice-- that have come together to make the Bushwick community more environmentally friendly. We have a lot great ideas to affect change at the Bushwick Campus and in the community, for example:
- We are building a new garden on the school grounds that will be used as a learning environment as well as a supplement to cafeteria food
- We are working with another garden in the community as well, the Linden-Bushwick Community Garden
- We are starting recycling programs for batteries, cellphones, medicine, paper, etc.
- We want to educate students about what small things they can do in their every day lives to help the environment through field trips, movie showings, speaker presentations, etc.
- We want to educate people in the Bushwick community about cooking and eating healthily and environmentally friendly.
Again, check out bushwick green team + WE ADD UP and get a t-shirt or tote bag for you and your friends and family members. You will be helping out good causes and making a inspiring fashion statement.
We encourage you to forward this website along to anyone and everyone you know, post the link on your facebook, myspace, or twitter. We can all help out in the fight to save the environment! Remember "No one can do everything. Everyone can do something."
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Earthbox, welcome to Home Depot!
I am aware how unavailable Earthboxes are in local retail in NYC. It always confused my why this great product--supported by the UN's food and Agriculture Organization's Growing Connection--is not available more widely. Well, the answer is here now.
I talked to the manager of the garden section, and he explained to me the Bed-Stuy Home Depot serves as a test market for other stores nationwide, so in the last week, this display had arrived. It was so new, there was not even a price on it. But it was only $49.99, just a few bucks more than Amazon. As you can see from this photo, it was already attracting interest. This woman was an afterschool teacher, who was very interested by the educational material provided by Earthbox.
We vote with our dollars in this society, so I am happy with my purchase, and eager to get started with my Earthbox on the roof of Bushwick Campus! But DIY, here I come!
spring into green!
The plants have been waiting all weeks for the big day, when they find who their new owner is!
So the plants that GROW NYC set aside for me were waiting patiently at the Hattie Cornan garden in Bed-Stuy.
It might have seemed a little crazy to order so many plants in early April. I had no idea where I would put them. One month later, we not only have a garden, but are assembling a team of teachers and students to grow it--the Bushwick Green Team.
Students from the Academy of Urban Planning helped us to get the little plantings to the roof, where they'll stay until we can get them in the ground at our new (as of yet undug) garden.
Ms. Bodanyi is a very grounded member of the team at the Academy of Environmental Leadership. Together with the Bushwick School for Social Justice, we share this amazing roof.
Yes, a roof! A roof with 4-foot parapets, making it a permitted space for outdoor instruction. And you can be assured that we are working on that! But for now, it is just the storage space for our garden, which still needs to be designed and dug!
Here is the space as it looks now
But ours is not the only greening going on at Bushwick Campus. Check out what Mr. Sambuerg is up to in front of the school! Garden boxes, for all three campuses! Now we have even more space to plant! Viva Verde!